Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rainier Schaeffers Photos

fungi and fun guys. check em out!
scope the double u-locks with macaframa stickers!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Home Alone 2

Spotted this dude in the first few minutes of the film, right before they drop Tim Curry into the mix. Snap.

Apparently someone else, on a blog I have never read before, saw it too.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

21st Street Coop Bike Shop Coop

Is open tonight! Come on down 6-9

Hangover Rover 2010

Soooooo long! But we got free jager and somehow Chris got me in every shot.

Team Jerk! with deputized team member Matt!

Obviously we were very excited about the 35 mile SoCo/East Side/Domain route. Super sketchy access road riding. I brought my cross/utility bike out expecting a scavenger hunt and ended up with a hammerfest.

Digging my new power jersey!

Pro Vag

Shot outside of Peru's place this weekend. Sweet paintjob!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some Stuff from This Weekend

and this text conversation happened

me: Wish I was there (regarding the 3rd coast reunion jam in College Station)
peru: Me too
me: Tell everyone hi. How awesome was today?
peru: Good. Got epic footage and still pics of Eric. I have already made $9 in dice. Elliot and Eric were crowned Mr. and Mrs. Third Coast.

I can't believe I missed that. Stupid work.